Double auditory seminar: Dr. Monita Chatterjee, Dr. Karen Gordon, 30 May


Very happy to host two prominent names in cochlear implant research at our next auditory seminar:

Perceiving & producing lexical tones/emotional prosody with cochlear implants: Emerging ideas and unproven hypotheses
Dr. Monita Chatterjee
Boys Town National Research Hospital, Omaha, United States

Unilateral deprivation in children is not a “minimal” hearing loss: Evidence from measures of brain plasticity
Dr. Karen Gordon
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada

Date: Tuesday 30 May 2023
Time: 14:00-16:00
Location: De Brug 2.060, UMCG

For information and to sign up for the e-mail list please contact drs. Joëlle Jagersma,